Method of preparation Makrout

Preparation 5 min.
Cooking 12 min.
Stand 30min.

Ingredients to add


  • 250g water
  • 360g melted butter
  • 250g date paste


  1. Pour the contents of the sachet into a salad bowl.
  2. Add the water and melted butter. Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous, slightly sandy paste.
  3. Leave to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  4. Use this standing time to prepare lengths 2-3 cm in diameter with the date paste.
  5. After this standing time, make a length 5 cm in diameter with the makrout preparation, then make a slit.
  6. Insert the date stuffing in this slit, then close and flatten.
  7. Cut into diamonds or as you prefer.
  8. Fry for 8 to 12 minutes at 160°C.
  9. Immediately after cooking, immerse the still hot makrouts for one minute on each side in previously heated honey (1 minute in the microwave)
  10. Let the makrouts drain and cool on a wire rack.


You can replace the date paste with fig or almond paste.

You can use your plain date paste or flavour it with cinnamon and/or orange blossom.

Pour des makrouts plus jolis, vous pouvez utiliser des moules à makrouts et/ou décorer avec des amandes concassées, des graines de pavFor more attractive makrouts, you can use makrout moulds and/or decorate with crushed almonds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

You can also cook your makrouts in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 200°C

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